Produktai skirti 96 proc alkoholio gamykla (4)

PRE DET - Skalbykla

PRE DET - Skalbykla

Liquid, alkaline additive for pre-washing clothes, with high emulsifying and anti-redeposition power. Suitable for automatic dosing. FEATURES Liquid, alkaline additive for pre-washing clothes, with high sequestering and anti-redeposition power. Controlled foam product, used as a complement to liquid detergent in washing processes for clothes with difficult stains. Can be used in all types of water. Increases the dirt removal capacity, eliminating odours embedded in fabrics. Removes all types of grease and dirt, keeping them emulsified and in suspension, preventing their redeposition in the fibres, and prevents the formation of limescale in the equipment. Does not contain phosphates. FIELDS OF APPLICATION The product is recommended for use in industrial washing machines, with automatic dosing. HOW TO USE The dosage depends on the dirtiness of the clothes to be treated, in general we recommend: Soft Water: 5-7 g/kg of clothes REF:LAV4104
Natrio hipokloritas 12% - Natrio hipokloritas (NaOCl)

Natrio hipokloritas 12% - Natrio hipokloritas (NaOCl)

Υποχλωριώδες νάτριο 12% Υδατικό διάλυμα υποχλωριώδους νατρίου σε απιονισμένο/απασβεστοποιημένο νερό, που λαμβάνεται από την αντίδραση μεταξύ αερίου χλωρίου και υδατικού διαλύματος υδροξειδίου του νατρίου, και οι δύο ουσίες που λαμβάνονται με τεχνολογία μεμβρανών χωρίς υδράργυρο. Φυσικές προδιαγραφές: Πράσινο υγρό με pH περίπου 11, διαλυμένο σε νερό με σημείο βρασμού 40°C. Σταθερότητα και αντιδράσεις: Αργά διαλύεται στον αέρα, ασυμβίβαστο με υδροχλωρικό οξύ, αμμωνία, ουρία, μέταλλα και μεθανόλη. Χειρισμός και αποθήκευση: Φυλάξτε το μακριά από τον ήλιο, τα οξέα, τη θερμότητα, τα εύφλεκτα υλικά και τα οργανικά υλικά. Διατηρείται σε ξηρό μέρος. Αριθμός CAS 7681-52-9 Αριθμός WE, 231-668-3 Χημικός τύπος NaOCl Μοριακή μάζα 74,44 g/mol Κωδικός δασμολογίου, 28289000
Natrio hipokloritas 12% - natrio hipokloro rūgštis (NaOCl)

Natrio hipokloritas 12% - natrio hipokloro rūgštis (NaOCl)

Sodyum Hipoklorit %12 Demineralize/dekalsifiye su içerisinde sodyum hipokloritin sulu çözeltisi, Klor gazı ile sulu sodyum hidroksit çözeltisi arasındaki reaksiyondan elde edilen, her iki madde de cıva içermeyen membran teknolojisiyle elde edilir. Fiziksel Özellikler: PH'ı yaklaşık 11 olan yeşil sıvı, kaynama noktası 40°C olan suda çözülür. Kararlılık ve reaksiyonlar: Havada yavaş yavaş çözünür, hidroklorik asit, amonyak, üre, metaller ve metanolle bağdaşmaz. TAŞIMA VE DEPOLAMA: Güneş ışığından, asitlerden, ısıdan, yanıcı maddelerden ve organik maddelerden uzak tutun. Kuru bir yerde saklayın. CAS numarası 7681-52-9 BİZ numarası, 231-668-3 Kimyasal formül NaOCl Molar kütle 74,44 g/mol Gümrük tarife kodu,28289000
Sulfonskā rūgštis 96% (labsa 96%) - Linijinė alkilbenzeno sulfonskā rūgštis

Sulfonskā rūgštis 96% (labsa 96%) - Linijinė alkilbenzeno sulfonskā rūgštis

Linear AlkylbenzeneSulphonic Acid is a sticky, highly viscous brown liquid. This highly dense liquid does not have a pungent smell. In temperatures lower than 10 degree Celsius, the chemical solidifies. Salts or esters of sulfonic acids are called sulfonates Applications: Detergents and surfactants, Dyes , Acid catalysts , Drugs Industries: Household chemicals, Adhesives, oils, greases, Resins, plastics, polyurethanes Properties: CAS number 5329-14-6 WE number 226-218-8 Chemical formula H2NSO3H Molar mass 97,09 g/mol Customs tariff code 28111980 ADR UN2967 Melting / freezing point 205°C Relative density 2,15 g/cm3 @25°C Solubility in water 181,4 g/l @20°C"